Before you decide to purchase a Coach product on eBay you might want to verify that it's really authentic. There is a very small percentage of people trying to sell knock-offs, but these can be easily spotted if you know what to look for. If you are unclear on how to verify authenticity simply go to any search engine and type in the phrase "Verify Coach Handbag Authenticity" and a plethora of information related to this subject will be returned.Most of the leather patches are beautifully embossed. Some of the newer bags have a metallic cursive style writing on them rather than an embossing. Some of the accessory type bags, as mentioned above, will not have any numbers but may still have a creed of sorts, usually a shorter version of the above examples.Another misconception is that Coach bags are made in the USA and that anything made in China must be fake. This is not true and it's hard to believe so many people believe it. Another misconception is that Coach bags are made in the USA and that anything made in China must be fake. This is not true and it's hard to believe so many people believe it. Coach hasn't made bags in the USA for about 10 years and 90% or more of their products are manufactured in China. There are other countries too such as Turkey, Italy, Pakistan, Mexico and India among others. You will almost always see the word China on their creed patches.
coachgu le lundi 25 juillet 2011
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